Risk of Rain 2

Time played: 39 days 16 hours 57 minutes
Last 2 weeks: 0 minutes

Earned Achievements

...Maybe One More.
Duplicate the same item 7 times in a row with a 3D Printer.
...To Be Left Alone
Stabilize the Cell in the Void Fields.
"Is This Bugged?"
Fail the Shrine of Chance 3 times in a row.
Open the Timed Security Chest on Rallypoint Delta.
「V??oid Fiend』: Mastery
As 「V??oid Fiend』, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Acrid: Bad Medicine
As Acrid, land the final blow on a Scavenger.
Acrid: Easy Prey
As Acrid, land the killing blow on 50 total enemies that have 1 hit point left.
Acrid: Mastery
As Acrid, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Acrid: Pandemic
As Acrid, inflict Poison 1000 total times.
Complete a Teleporter event.
Artificer: Chunked!
As Artificer, fully defeat the teleporter boss in a one-second burst of damage.
Artificer: Massacre
As Artificer, perform a multikill of 20 enemies.
Artificer: Mastery
As Artificer, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Artificer: Orbital Bombardment
As Artificer, kill 15 enemies before touching the ground.
Defeat the Teleporter bosses after activating 2 Shrines of the Mountain.
Automation Activation
Activate 6 turrets in a single run.
Bandit: B&E
As Bandit, kill the final boss with 'Lights Out'.
Bandit: Classic Man
As Bandit, successfully use 'Lights Out' to reset your cooldowns 15 times in a row.
Bandit: Mastery
As Bandit, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Bandit: Sadist
As Bandit, kill a monster with 20 stacks of Hemorrhage.
Defeat the unique guardian of Gilded Coast without any beacons deactivating.
Blockade Breaker
Kill 15 boss monsters in a single run.
Collect 10 Monster or Environment Logs.
Captain: Mastery
As Captain, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Captain: Smushed
As Captain, kill the final boss using a Supply Beacon
Captain: Wanderlust
As Captain, visit 10 different environments in a single run.
Captain: Worth Every Penny
As Captain, repair and recruit a TC-280 Prototype.
Cleanup Duty
Destroy 20 flying rocks in Sky Meadow.
Commando: Godspeed
As Commando, fully charge the first-stage teleporter before the timer hits 5 minutes.
Commando: Incorruptible
As Commando, clear 20 stages in a single run without picking up any Lunar items.
Commando: Mastery
As Commando, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Commando: Rolling Thunder
As Commando, land the killing blow on an Overloading Worm.
Cosmic Explorer
Discover and enter three unique portals.
Cut Down
Defeat 500 elite monsters.
Death Do Us Part
Discover the hidden chamber in the Abandoned Aqueduct.
Defeat an Elite boss on Monsoon difficulty.
Deja Vu?
Loop back to the first stage.
Dragged Below
Escape the Planetarium or complete wave 50 in Simulacrum.
Elite Slayer
Defeat an Elite-type monster.
Engineer: 100% Calculated
As Engineer, defeat the teleporter boss in less than 5 seconds after it spawns.
Engineer: Better With Friends
As Engineer, recruit 12 minions at one time.
Engineer: Mastery
As Engineer, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Engineer: Zero Sum
As Engineer, finish charging the teleporter with zero monsters remaining on the stage.
Engineering Perfection
Complete 30 stages.
Pick up 5 different types of Equipment.
Fully charge a Teleporter without getting hit.
Collect $30,480 total gold.
Glorious Battle
Charge the Teleporter with less than 10% health.
Going Fast Recommended
Reach +300% movespeed (includes sprinting).
Guidance Offline
Defeat the unique guardian of Siren's Call.
Her Concepts
Find the Altar to N'kuhana.
Huntress: Finishing Touch
As Huntress, land a killing blow with every possible hit of a single glaive.
Huntress: Mastery
As Huntress, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Huntress: One Shot, One Kill
As Huntress, collect and carry 12 Crowbars at once.
Huntress: Piercing Wind
As Huntress, start and finish either Rallypoint Delta or Scorched Acres without falling below 100% health.
I Love Dying!
Die 20 times.
Keyed Up
Defeat the Teleporter boss under 15 seconds.
King of the Hill
Learning Process
Die 5 times.
Loader: Earthshatter
As Loader, land a Charged Gauntlet hit at 300mph or higher.
Loader: Mastery
As Loader, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Loader: Swing By
As Loader, reach and proceed through the Celestial Portal in 25 minutes or less.
Loader: The Thunderdome
As Loader, kill three other Loaders in the Bulwark's Ambry.
Deal 5000 damage in one shot.
Repair 30 drones or turrets.
Mercenary: Demon of the Skies
As Mercenary, don't touch the ground for 30 seconds.
Mercenary: Ethereal
As Mercenary, complete a Prismatic Trial without falling below 100% health.
Mercenary: Flash of Blades
As Mercenary, use 20 abilities in 10 seconds.
Mercenary: Mastery
As Mercenary, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Moon Worshipper
Carry 5 Lunar items in a single run.
MUL-T: Gotcha!
As MUL-T, land the killing blow on an Imp Overlord with the Preon Accumulator.
MUL-T: Mastery
As MUL-T, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
MUL-T: Pest Control
As MUL-T, defeat two Beetle Queens without leaving the teleporter zone.
MUL-T: Seventh Day
As MUL-T, clear the Void Fields on Stage 7 or later.
Kill 15 enemies simultaneously.
Without healing, reach and complete the 3rd Teleporter event.
Never Back Down
In 4 consecutive stages don’t leave the teleporter radius until it is fully charged.
Discover and activate 8 unique Newt Altars.
One with the Woods
Fully upgrade a Shrine of the Woods.
Order Up!
Free the survivor suspended in time.
Power Plant
Repair the broken robot with an Escape Pod's Fuel Array.
Prismatically Aligned
Complete a Prismatic Trial.
Purified Freedom
Railgunner: Annihiliator
As Railgunner, deal 1,000,000 damage in one shot.
Railgunner: Marksman
As Railgunner, fire 30 consecutive sniper shots without missing a Weak Point.
Railgunner: Mastery
As Railgunner, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Railgunner: Trickshot
As Railgunner, get 3 kills with a single Supercharge shot while airborne.
Reach +200% attack speed.
REX: Bushwhacked
As REX, complete an entire teleporter event while under 50% health.
REX: Dunked
As REX, kill a Clay Dunestrider on Abandoned Aqueduct by throwing it into a pit.
REX: Full of Life
As REX, heal for 1000 health at once.
REX: Mastery
As REX, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Defeat 3000 enemies.
The Basics
Discover 10 unique white items.
The Calm
Beat the game on Monsoon difficulty.
The Demons And The Crabs
Kill 20 Hermit Crabs by chasing them off the edge of the map.
The Lone Survivor
Stay alive for 30 consecutive minutes.
The Long Road
Complete 20 stages in a single run.
Trial of Chaos
Complete the Trial of Chaos.
Trial of Command
Complete the Trial of Command.
Trial of Death
Complete the Trial of Death.
Trial of Dissonance
Complete the Trial of Dissonance.
Trial of Enigma
Complete the Trial of Enigma.
Trial of Evolution
Complete the Trial of Evolution.
Trial of Frailty
Complete the Trial of Frailty.
Trial of Glass
Complete the Trial of Glass.
Trial of Honor
Complete the Trial of Honor.
Trial of Kin
Complete the Trial of Kin.
Trial of Metamorphosis
Complete the Trial of Metamorphosis.
Trial of Sacrifice
Complete the Trial of Sacrifice.
Trial of Soul
Complete the Trial of Soul.
Trial of Spite
Complete the Trial of Spite.
Trial of Swarms
Complete the Trial of Swarms.
Trial of Vengeance
Complete the Trial of Vengeance.
True Respite
Obliterate yourself at the Obelisk..
Complete the first Teleporter event 5 times.
Warm For Life
Die three times while burning.
Complete 3 Combat Shrines in a single stage.
Reach and complete the 3rd Teleporter event without dying.
Washed Away
Beat the game.
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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

The Eagles took it to the limit WAY more than one more time.

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

It's my swan song!

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Is that... T-Pain?

Take a good hard look at the mother fucking float.

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CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:
@catsalad @infosec.exchange

Did you know that Pavlov's hair was famously soft and silky?
It's because he conditioned it. :ablobcatlurk:

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

"People suck. Don't be people." -roncli, 2019. 🙃

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

And when the groundhog saw its shadow, the people declared:


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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I told you, son!

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Boss: "We need to come up with a number of hours it will take to do this super big project."

Me: "Do you want that number written out, or can I use exponential form?"


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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I guess you CAN'T do it with True Value. cnn.com/2024/10/14/business/tr

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Former 2 time world champion DogPlayingTetris becomes the first player to ever rollover the level counter in NES Tetris, performing what's known in the community as "Rebirth". Final score: 29,486,164, 4216 lines, level 347 (256 + 91)... all huge world records.

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Back row... Mother with screaming infant, 300 lb linebacker, and me. Or what's left of me.

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@solitha @mastodon.social

🚨 James McGovern 🚨

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I'd also love a 6 hour layover overnight instead of taking the red eye I was going to take and be 7 hours later getting into Cleveland than I wanted, why do you ask?

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Why yes, I'd love to leave at 4:40 to get to the airport at 6:20 for an 8:20 flight that got delayed to 9:05 which is too late for my connection so now I'm on a 10:20 flight instead. Why do you ask?

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Twitch getting SOMETHING right for once...

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

You may just be a po'boy, but I love you. ♥️

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I've never had as much fun on comms for a Tetris match as I did tonight with NinjaOfNinjas for the silver bracket semis and finals. What a show!

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Logan Paul didn't qual for silver unfortunately. 🙃

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I'm not done! I'll be casting the later rounds of the silver bracket today at 6:30 PM Pacific at twitch.tv/classictetris3. Cya there!

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I'll be live casting qualifiers today for CTWC at twitch.tv/classictetris2 at 1 PM Pacific and twitch.tv/classictetris3 at 3:30 PM Pacific. This year's CTWC is the craziest yet so don't miss it!

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Public restrooms are funny.

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

The golden state, more like the blackened state. 🔥

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Just a note to everyone out there who still believes 2020 hasn't ended that today is Unquinquaginember 21st, 2020.

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Burritos can be used for bribing if necessary. 🌯 :)

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

@shanselman Who at Microsoft do I have to bribe to fix ADO so that those of us on dark mode who copy/paste text from one task to another can do so without our friends on light mode seeing dark text on a dark background?

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I updated the blog post with a statement from Revival. While I'm not particularly happy with Revival's decision, I understand their motives. It's just a shame that it was someone from Interplay that had to go and do this. "By games for gamers" my ass.

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Damn, got another Tetris world record! This time in the arcade variant developed by Atari. 6,008,005 points, 5,386 lines, round 363. Be warned, it's nearly FIVE HOURS. twitch.tv/videos/2131759212

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I certainly didn't have "Overload but with web3 features" on my 2024 bingo card. WTF did Revival Productions just do?


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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

@solitha New rule: cat tax. For every pun you post or repost, you're now required to pay the tax of posting one cute cat video.

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Today was a special day. I scored 1,016,221 points in classic NES Tetris, the first time I broke the 999,999 maxout barrier.

With that maxout, I became the oldest person to get their first ever maxout at 46 years 319 days.

After I scored that, I learned that today would have been 7-time Tetris world champion Jonas Neubauer's 43rd birthday.

I am FILLED with incredible emotion tonight.


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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

"I'm Sorry, What?!" The biggest bailout in the history of Descent II! youtube.com/watch?v=GLlTk7wa59A

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

“BART anime merch" are three words that I would not have expected to go together, but here we are. railgoods.com/bart/anime/

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Does anyone else sing the chorus to "Cherish" by Kool & The Gang to themselves whenever they play or watch streams of Balatro? Or is that just me?

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

I'm fact that's what Lingo needs: a "phone" block. The clue is an incorrect autocorrected form of the answer. 🙃

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

It's like my phone knows I've been playing Lingo. I typed in "exited" and my phone was all:

⬜️ EXCITED ------

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

@arborelia Bag-les.

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

A comparison of the classic Tetris and Descent communities. Not a post I write lightly, either.


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@luftlesen @mstdn.jp

Aptiz played #Pentis again. In the beginning you can see roncli asking in the chat for the right version. About an hour later, he broke the #PentisRankings record with 60K ! Congratulations roncli 🏆 🎉

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

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Ronald M. Clifford
@roncli @mastodon.social

Yeah, it's season 11. But the OTL Season 6 highlight reel is up, this time Fireball has taken the reins! Check out this video jam packed full of kills, deaths, silliness, and Sirius puns. youtube.com/watch?v=SXstLVjnaGo

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