Six Gaming

Primary Language: JavaScript
The website and bot for Six Gaming.



* Package updates.


* Don't fail on websocket errors with no reason from Twurple.
* Package updates.


* Don't log 1006 websocket errors from Twurple.
* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Updates required for phasing out of Discord discriminator.
* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Switch to Discord.js slash commands.
* Package updates.


* Specify Docker versions specifically rather than using latest.
* Package updates.


* Restore hosting notifications.
* Package updates.


* Package updates.
* Fix bugs with backups.
* Retry Discord when it goes down.
* 404 member pages when they don't exist.
* Various bug fixes.


* Package updates.


* Implement database backup.
* Package updates.


* Do not mount Azure file storage for Mongo, use the host's mount instead.
* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Add methods for site owner to refresh Twitch tokens.
* Various package updates.


* Added caching for some database calls.
* Fix for Twitch go live notifications.
* Various package updates.


* Replaced twitch.js dependency with twurple.
* Removed Twitch webhooks in favor of EventSub.
* Various package updates.


* Mount Azure File Storage account if the option is set to do so.
* Update nginx to restart after 1 minute to ensure the first certificate is updated.
* Various package updates.


* Fix stream announcing so that it always happens regardless of whether the bot hosts the streamer or not.
* Don't collect MongoDB diagnostic data.
* Add toggle for AppInsights performance metrics.
* Refresh Twitch auth tokens on every restart of the app.
* Various package updates.


* Fix Discord OAuth issue.


* Debugging for Discord OAuth issue.
* Always use HTTPS protocol in meta tags.
* Rearrange Dockerfiles in such a way to make debugging easier, ie: send over package.json first, then npm install, then send over the rest of the files.
* Fix HTML encoding bug.
* Hang the Modal object on the classes that use it, not on window.
* Replace body-parser with express.
* Fix bug with add event's game combo box.
* Fix bug with templates not being added to window when loaded.
* Add extra debugging to Discord token refresh failures to try to understand them better.
* Various package updates.


* Turn off more log colorization for Twitch libraries.
* Various package updates.


* Fix bug with attempting to reconnect when the chat is already attempting to reconnect.
* Turn off log colorization for Twitch libraries.
* Various package updates.


* Swap order so Twitch is connected to before Discord.
* POSTing invalid JSON now correctly returns a 400.
* Trying to get a member that doesn't exist now correctly returns a 404.
* Various package updates.


* Fix bug with refreshing the Discord token for OAuth.
* Add App Insights performance logging metrics.
* Various package updates.


* Fix a couple circular references.


* Event integration in Discord. Events are now announced in Discord when they are created. You can now `!join` events for notifications, and `!leave` events to turn off notifications on a per-event basis.
* The streamer that gets chosen to be on the front page of is now also hosted on the SixGamingGG Twitch Channel.
* Streams are no longer announced twice.
* Hosted streams are no longer announced at all. This is a workaround, we are currently prevented from announcing non-hosted streams.
* Excluded tsconfig.json from being served in the public directory.
* Various package updates.


* Fix bug with login.
* Improved error handling.
* Get the IP address by trusting the nginx proxy for docker.


* Don't setup Application Insights if there is no instrumentation key provided.
* Better handle fail condition for Twitch chat bot setup.
* Various package updates, including changing some core functionality to new packages.


* Fix redis caching bug.
* Use logging rather than console.log in startup routine.
* Exceptions are now logged when streamers can't be added or removed.
* Redis is required, so toggling it has been removed.
* Redis now has a 5 minute idle timeout.
* Redis now uses a generic pool for connections.
* Various package updates.


Complete redesign with new features.


Merge pull request #1267 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/dockerode-3.3.31
Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.30 to 3.3.31 in /logging
Merge pull request #1265 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.12
Bump @types/node from 20.14.11 to 20.14.12 in /logging
Merge pull request #1264 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.11
Bump @types/node from 20.14.10 to 20.14.11 in /logging
Merge pull request #1263 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/dockerode-3.3.30
Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.29 to 3.3.30 in /logging
Merge pull request #1261 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/eslint-parser-7.24.8
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.24.7 to 7.24.8 in /logging
Merge pull request #1262 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.9
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.8 to 7.24.9 in /logging
Merge pull request #1260 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.8
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.7 to 7.24.8 in /logging
Merge pull request #1256 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.10
Bump @types/node from 20.14.9 to 20.14.10 in /logging
Merge pull request #1254 from roncli/dependabot/docker/db/mongo-7.0.12
Bump mongo from 7.0.11 to 7.0.12 in /db
Merge pull request #1252 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.9
Bump @types/node from 20.14.8 to 20.14.9 in /logging
Merge pull request #1249 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.8
Bump @types/node from 20.14.7 to 20.14.8 in /logging
Merge pull request #1248 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.7
Bump @types/node from 20.14.6 to 20.14.7 in /logging
Merge pull request #1247 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.6
Bump @types/node from 20.14.5 to 20.14.6 in /logging
Merge pull request #1246 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.5
Bump @types/node from 20.14.2 to 20.14.5 in /logging
Merge pull request #1245 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.7
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.6 to 7.24.7 in /logging
Merge pull request #1244 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/eslint-parser-7.24.7
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.24.6 to 7.24.7 in /logging
Merge pull request #1242 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.2
Bump @types/node from 20.14.1 to 20.14.2 in /logging
Merge pull request #1241 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.1
Bump @types/node from 20.14.0 to 20.14.1 in /logging
Merge pull request #1239 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.14.0
Bump @types/node from 20.12.13 to 20.14.0 in /logging
Merge pull request #1237 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.13
Bump @types/node from 20.12.12 to 20.12.13 in /logging
Merge pull request #1235 from roncli/dependabot/docker/db/mongo-7.0.11
Bump mongo from 7.0.9 to 7.0.11 in /db
Merge pull request #1231 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/babel/core-7.24.6
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.4 to 7.24.6 in /node
Merge pull request #1230 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.6
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.5 to 7.24.6 in /logging
Merge pull request #1229 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/eslint-parser-7.24.6
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.24.5 to 7.24.6 in /logging
Merge pull request #1228 from roncli/dependabot/docker/redis/redis-7.2.5-alpine
Merge pull request #1226 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.12
Bump @types/node from 20.12.11 to 20.12.12 in /logging
Merge pull request #1222 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.11
Bump @types/node from 20.12.10 to 20.12.11 in /logging
Merge pull request #1218 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.10
Bump @types/node from 20.12.8 to 20.12.10 in /logging
Merge pull request #1216 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.8
Bump @types/node from 20.12.7 to 20.12.8 in /logging
Merge pull request #1215 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/dockerode-3.3.29
Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.28 to 3.3.29 in /logging
Merge pull request #1214 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.5
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.4 to 7.24.5 in /logging
Merge pull request #1213 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/eslint-parser-7.24.5
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.24.1 to 7.24.5 in /logging
Merge pull request #1211 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/babel/eslint-parser-7.24.5
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.24.1 to 7.24.5 in /node
Merge pull request #1210 from roncli/dependabot/docker/db/mongo-7.0.9
Bump mongo from 7.0.8 to 7.0.9 in /db
Merge pull request #1206 from roncli/dependabot/docker/nginx/nginx-1.25.5-alpine
Bump nginx from 1.25.4-alpine to 1.25.5-alpine in /nginx
Merge pull request #1203 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.7
Bump @types/node from 20.12.6 to 20.12.7 in /logging
Merge pull request #1202 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/types/node-20.12.7
Bump @types/node from 20.12.6 to 20.12.7 in /node
Merge pull request #1201 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/types/node-20.12.6
Bump @types/node from 20.12.5 to 20.12.6 in /node
Merge pull request #1200 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.6
Bump @types/node from 20.12.5 to 20.12.6 in /logging
Merge pull request #1199 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/types/node-20.12.5
Bump @types/node from 20.12.4 to 20.12.5 in /node
Merge pull request #1198 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.5
Bump @types/node from 20.12.4 to 20.12.5 in /logging
Merge pull request #1197 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/types/node-schedule-2.1.7
Bump @types/node-schedule from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 in /node
Merge pull request #1194 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/babel/core-7.24.4
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.3 to 7.24.4 in /node
Merge pull request #1193 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/types/node-20.12.4
Bump @types/node from 20.12.3 to 20.12.4 in /node
Merge pull request #1192 from roncli/dependabot/docker/db/mongo-7.0.8
Bump mongo from 7.0.7 to 7.0.8 in /db
Merge pull request #1190 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.4
Bump @types/node from 20.12.3 to 20.12.4 in /logging
Merge pull request #1189 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.4
Merge pull request #1188 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/dockerode-3.3.28
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.3 to 7.24.4 in /logging
Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.26 to 3.3.28 in /logging
Merge pull request #1187 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.3
Bump @types/node from 20.12.2 to 20.12.3 in /logging
Merge pull request #1186 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node/types/node-20.12.3
Bump @types/node from 20.12.2 to 20.12.3 in /node
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Ronald M. Clifford

I've never had as much fun on comms for a Tetris match as I did tonight with NinjaOfNinjas for the silver bracket semis and finals. What a show!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Logan Paul didn't qual for silver unfortunately. πŸ™ƒ

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Ronald M. Clifford

I'm not done! I'll be casting the later rounds of the silver bracket today at 6:30 PM Pacific at Cya there!

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Ronald M. Clifford

I'll be live casting qualifiers today for CTWC at at 1 PM Pacific and at 3:30 PM Pacific. This year's CTWC is the craziest yet so don't miss it!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Public restrooms are funny.

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Ronald M. Clifford

The golden state, more like the blackened state. πŸ”₯

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Ronald M. Clifford

Just a note to everyone out there who still believes 2020 hasn't ended that today is Unquinquaginember 21st, 2020.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Burritos can be used for bribing if necessary. 🌯 :)

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Ronald M. Clifford

@shanselman Who at Microsoft do I have to bribe to fix ADO so that those of us on dark mode who copy/paste text from one task to another can do so without our friends on light mode seeing dark text on a dark background?

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Ronald M. Clifford

I updated the blog post with a statement from Revival. While I'm not particularly happy with Revival's decision, I understand their motives. It's just a shame that it was someone from Interplay that had to go and do this. "By games for gamers" my ass.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Damn, got another Tetris world record! This time in the arcade variant developed by Atari. 6,008,005 points, 5,386 lines, round 363. Be warned, it's nearly FIVE HOURS.

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Ronald M. Clifford

I certainly didn't have "Overload but with web3 features" on my 2024 bingo card. WTF did Revival Productions just do?

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Ronald M. Clifford

@solitha New rule: cat tax. For every pun you post or repost, you're now required to pay the tax of posting one cute cat video.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Today was a special day. I scored 1,016,221 points in classic NES Tetris, the first time I broke the 999,999 maxout barrier.

With that maxout, I became the oldest person to get their first ever maxout at 46 years 319 days.

After I scored that, I learned that today would have been 7-time Tetris world champion Jonas Neubauer's 43rd birthday.

I am FILLED with incredible emotion tonight.

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Ronald M. Clifford

"I'm Sorry, What?!" The biggest bailout in the history of Descent II!

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Ronald M. Clifford

β€œBART anime merch" are three words that I would not have expected to go together, but here we are.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Does anyone else sing the chorus to "Cherish" by Kool & The Gang to themselves whenever they play or watch streams of Balatro? Or is that just me?

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Ronald M. Clifford

I'm fact that's what Lingo needs: a "phone" block. The clue is an incorrect autocorrected form of the answer. πŸ™ƒ

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Ronald M. Clifford

It's like my phone knows I've been playing Lingo. I typed in "exited" and my phone was all:

⬜️ EXCITED ------

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Ronald M. Clifford

@arborelia Bag-les.

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Ronald M. Clifford

A comparison of the classic Tetris and Descent communities. Not a post I write lightly, either.

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Aptiz played #Pentis again. In the beginning you can see roncli asking in the chat for the right version. About an hour later, he broke the #PentisRankings record with 60K ! Congratulations roncli πŸ† πŸŽ‰

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Ronald M. Clifford

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Ronald M. Clifford

Yeah, it's season 11. But the OTL Season 6 highlight reel is up, this time Fireball has taken the reins! Check out this video jam packed full of kills, deaths, silliness, and Sirius puns.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Over on , someone retweeted sympathy for the people being laid off today...

...and then said that Amazon Games was hiring. You know, the one that just had layoffs in NOVEMBER.

Honestly? Tech sucks right now.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Seriously. Why is it called Sagittarius, A Star? Clearly, it's Sagittarius, A Black Hole. Silly astronomers.

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Cultural Historian: Dr. RGST
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Ronald M. Clifford

This eslint/stylistic breakup is going to give me a headache. Don't developers have something better to do than give other developers busywork?

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Ronald M. Clifford

Bing is so bad. is being blocked in their search results, and Bing webmaster tools are absolutely useless, not telling me why it's being blocked.

Does anyone know of some way to get a human to look at this and see what's wrong with it?

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Olivia W'

it's not actually common for real hackers to use two keyboards at once; that's just a stereo type.

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Ronald M. Clifford

I got my wish. πŸ€’

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Ronald M. Clifford

Me and my wife, despite buying a house of nice size, always seem to get in each other's way, be it in the kitchen, on the stairs, it doesn't matter. She's all up in my two square feet.

I often joke that all I want for Christmas is my two square feet.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Update 2: The record that beat Blue Scuti stood for one day. Blue Scuti got it back.

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πŸŒͺ πŸ“‘


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Ronald M. Clifford

Update: This record stood for 1 day.

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Ronald M. Clifford

I got the honor and privilege of calling the NES Tetris NTSC world record today while running Classic Tetris Wars on my Twitch channel for the very first time. It was thrilling. Congratulations to Blue Scuti for his 6,609,220 level 153 performance.

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like, you used to use a phone line to access the internet

now the internet is accessible on your phone

nothing has changed actually

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Ronald M. Clifford

Six Degrees of Sunday returns Sunday, January 7th, at Cya there!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Are you ready to get Six'd Off?

Six Degrees of Sunday, my 6DoF long play Twitch series, is getting revived for 2024. Plus, I will be producing Six'd Off, a companion YouTube series showcasing each game.

Check out the announcement for the game list and more!

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