
Daniel Seko1 Andersson
Thomas drq Andersson
Kevin Gopher Chow
Ronald roncli Clifford
Peter Decibelter Enroth
Troupe Gammage
Martin slammy Kilner
Staffan Melin
Justin HomesickAlien Neme
Nicklas Nifflas Nygren
Per Einar Zepsi Skavhaug
Mark Network19 Spurgeon
Red m0d/RedHeat Tuby

Outpost Music

Outpost Music was a music group based in the old tracker scene of the late '90's. It was founded in 1999 by slammy and Seko1, and became dormant around 2006.

Throughout the course of its life, Outpost Music released 4 music disks, and released 71 singles, not counting the singles on the original site which were lost when Outpost transferred over to its own domain. It also played host to three general music competitions, and two knockout-style competitions.


Music Disks

Click on the images below to download each disk.


Download all 71 Outpost singles in one zip.

Outpost History according to slammy

In the beginning

In 1999, the two founding members, Seko and me decided on starting up a music group. After many names were discussed, Outpost was finally agreed upon. Roncli soon joined our cause and so Outpost was born. We set up our first homepage, and began with releasing music. Releasing was slow, and our homepage was dreadful, but we didn't care too much. We didn't have any direction as a group. This was the first time I had been in a group, never mind being a senior member and founder. I was invited to join Hellven soon after the formation Outpost and Seko was already a member of Decade Music. Roncli, on the other hand, was in the middle of something way bigger than Outpost, Hellven and Decade all put together, Trax In Space, while it was at the height of its reign. More members joined Outpost. I had made a few invitations, which were accepted. Melvyl (now mv) came aboard, as did Drq, Sonic Range and Larph. It was decided that we try our first music disk, Voyage (available in the disks section). This was a success as a disk, as it featured some quality songs from me, Seko, Roncli, Larph, SonicRange, Drq and Melvyl. Apart from the disk, Outpost wasn't going anywhere. I was too involved with his membership in Hellven, Seko strayed into his writers block, reallife took ahold of Roncli. Melvyl departed from Outpost just before the release of Voyage. In 2000, we got Zionic on board, however he released zero songs, and later decided he needed a group which would only release his style of songs. He still searches to this day. In the later half of 2000, I decided to leave Hellven, after Melvyl announced he was going to "shrink" Hellven. I never discussed whether I was one of the people Melvyl intended to expel from his group with Melvyl, I just figured it was the best time to depart and concentrate on Outpost, before finding out if he was getting pushed out of Hellven or not. Personal problems for myself also had me retire then famously come back within weeks.

Turbulent Times

2001 was a bad year for Outpost. It saw close to one release, the homepage taking a dive into what must have looked like complete crap. Music disk ideas were thrown about, and nothing became of them. 2001 also saw the departure of Larph and Sonic range...this was also the year we lost Zionic. Leaving just myself, Seko, Roncli and Drq. Seko slowly fading into obscurity too. A new web page was launched, as I decided it was time to get Outpost back on track, complete with a new direction, our first direction. The new webpage, was, however, crap, didn't work properly and the half hearted revival from myself was short lived. Evolution music disk was thought up in this time though, during a meeting with Drq, Seko and me. My plan, was for a 2001 release. Again, not to happen. Seko also decided he would step down from Outpost. I convinced him to stay on however, even though he is currently inactive. Drq took up Seko's role as a senior member, although Seko still is one. We gained Melin into the group in the later half of the year, but his education, had to take priority during the educational months, until he returned home, in June 2002.

Oh Canada

At the end of 2001, I moved from England, to Canada. This coincided with a fresh motivation. Anders Akerheden agreed to guest on Evolution. Songs came in slow for Evolution still, and it wasn't until May it was finally released. During the time inbetween, we aquired a new member, Zepsi. Zepsi managed to get a song submitted for Evolution, Anders Akerheden had 2 submitted for guest releases on Evolution. Roncli had released his first song in quite some time, and AT LAST, a webpage which actually looks good and works too. I suddenly had this huge urge to make Outpost work. So far, so good. Enthusiasm is bigger than it ever was. The initiative was taken to register with Ojuice and start announcing our big news, such as the launch of Evolution and the launch of our first ever compo. This news was also released on NoError. Evolution was released on May 29th, MY birthday, and features songs from Anders Akerheden, Roncli, me and Zepsi. The Outpost Music compo was launched on June 1st, and the team have been very enthusiastic about it. Judging started as early as the 5th entry being received. From a whole year of collecting a miserable 500 hits on our webpage, in 2 months we've got 1700 hits and still rising, getting between 50 and 100 on good days. People are now aware of us and we've fully established ourselves onto the scene.


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Ronald M. Clifford

The Eagles took it to the limit WAY more than one more time.

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Ronald M. Clifford

It's my swan song!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Is that... T-Pain?

Take a good hard look at the mother fucking float.

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CatSalad๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿฅ— (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

Did you know that Pavlov's hair was famously soft and silky?
It's because he conditioned it. :ablobcatlurk:

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Ronald M. Clifford

"People suck. Don't be people." -roncli, 2019. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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Ronald M. Clifford

And when the groundhog saw its shadow, the people declared:


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Ronald M. Clifford

I told you, son!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Boss: "We need to come up with a number of hours it will take to do this super big project."

Me: "Do you want that number written out, or can I use exponential form?"


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Ronald M. Clifford

I guess you CAN'T do it with True Value.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Former 2 time world champion DogPlayingTetris becomes the first player to ever rollover the level counter in NES Tetris, performing what's known in the community as "Rebirth". Final score: 29,486,164, 4216 lines, level 347 (256 + 91)... all huge world records.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Back row... Mother with screaming infant, 300 lb linebacker, and me. Or what's left of me.

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Ronald M. Clifford

I'd also love a 6 hour layover overnight instead of taking the red eye I was going to take and be 7 hours later getting into Cleveland than I wanted, why do you ask?

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Ronald M. Clifford

Why yes, I'd love to leave at 4:40 to get to the airport at 6:20 for an 8:20 flight that got delayed to 9:05 which is too late for my connection so now I'm on a 10:20 flight instead. Why do you ask?

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Ronald M. Clifford

Twitch getting SOMETHING right for once...

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Ronald M. Clifford

You may just be a po'boy, but I love you. โ™ฅ๏ธ

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Ronald M. Clifford

I've never had as much fun on comms for a Tetris match as I did tonight with NinjaOfNinjas for the silver bracket semis and finals. What a show!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Logan Paul didn't qual for silver unfortunately. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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Ronald M. Clifford

I'm not done! I'll be casting the later rounds of the silver bracket today at 6:30 PM Pacific at Cya there!

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Ronald M. Clifford

I'll be live casting qualifiers today for CTWC at at 1 PM Pacific and at 3:30 PM Pacific. This year's CTWC is the craziest yet so don't miss it!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Public restrooms are funny.

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Ronald M. Clifford

The golden state, more like the blackened state. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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Ronald M. Clifford

Just a note to everyone out there who still believes 2020 hasn't ended that today is Unquinquaginember 21st, 2020.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Burritos can be used for bribing if necessary. ๐ŸŒฏ :)

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Ronald M. Clifford

@shanselman Who at Microsoft do I have to bribe to fix ADO so that those of us on dark mode who copy/paste text from one task to another can do so without our friends on light mode seeing dark text on a dark background?

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Ronald M. Clifford

I updated the blog post with a statement from Revival. While I'm not particularly happy with Revival's decision, I understand their motives. It's just a shame that it was someone from Interplay that had to go and do this. "By games for gamers" my ass.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Damn, got another Tetris world record! This time in the arcade variant developed by Atari. 6,008,005 points, 5,386 lines, round 363. Be warned, it's nearly FIVE HOURS.

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Ronald M. Clifford

I certainly didn't have "Overload but with web3 features" on my 2024 bingo card. WTF did Revival Productions just do?

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Ronald M. Clifford

@solitha New rule: cat tax. For every pun you post or repost, you're now required to pay the tax of posting one cute cat video.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Today was a special day. I scored 1,016,221 points in classic NES Tetris, the first time I broke the 999,999 maxout barrier.

With that maxout, I became the oldest person to get their first ever maxout at 46 years 319 days.

After I scored that, I learned that today would have been 7-time Tetris world champion Jonas Neubauer's 43rd birthday.

I am FILLED with incredible emotion tonight.

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Ronald M. Clifford

"I'm Sorry, What?!" The biggest bailout in the history of Descent II!

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Ronald M. Clifford

โ€œBART anime merch" are three words that I would not have expected to go together, but here we are.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Does anyone else sing the chorus to "Cherish" by Kool & The Gang to themselves whenever they play or watch streams of Balatro? Or is that just me?

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Ronald M. Clifford

I'm fact that's what Lingo needs: a "phone" block. The clue is an incorrect autocorrected form of the answer. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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Ronald M. Clifford

It's like my phone knows I've been playing Lingo. I typed in "exited" and my phone was all:

โฌœ๏ธ EXCITED ------

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Ronald M. Clifford

@arborelia Bag-les.

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Ronald M. Clifford

A comparison of the classic Tetris and Descent communities. Not a post I write lightly, either.

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Aptiz played #Pentis again. In the beginning you can see roncli asking in the chat for the right version. About an hour later, he broke the #PentisRankings record with 60K ! Congratulations roncli ๐Ÿ† ๐ŸŽ‰

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Ronald M. Clifford

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Ronald M. Clifford

Yeah, it's season 11. But the OTL Season 6 highlight reel is up, this time Fireball has taken the reins! Check out this video jam packed full of kills, deaths, silliness, and Sirius puns.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Over on , someone retweeted sympathy for the people being laid off today...

...and then said that Amazon Games was hiring. You know, the one that just had layoffs in NOVEMBER.

Honestly? Tech sucks right now.

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