Descent: Aries Wing

Chapter 2

“Sit down.”

Bryan knew what was coming. Ever since the initial shock of Jared’s death passed, he was almost positive about what was going to happen over the following days. Bryan sat down in front of the Admiral’s desk, as the Admiral himself was pacing the room. Admiral Javier Gonzalez was one of the most distinguished Admirals in the CED, and was well respected by his peers. He was a tall man in his early fifties, with short, graying hair. He held his arms behind his back as he paced along the left side of his office.

Bryan’s mind began to wander. He started remembering the party he planned last week, in honor of Jared’s promotion. Bryan understood how much work went into obtaining a promotion, and made sure whenever someone got a well-deserved promotion that they were going to celebrate it, especially close friends such as Jared. But he also knew that there was going to be no celebration this time.

“Bryan Chambers, I hereby promote you to the rank of CED Commander. As a responsibility to your position, you will command the Aries Wing, and will report directly to me for your assignments.” The tone in Admiral Gonzalez’s voice was less than congratulatory. Bryan could tell that he felt the pain, too. The Admiral paced to his desk and sat down to face Bryan directly. He brought his arms up onto the table, resting his elbows on the edge so that he could rest his head on his hands. “Now tell me what the hell happened out there, Commander.”

Bryan got suddenly uncomfortable. Although he expected the question, he wasn’t sure how to tell the Admiral that protocol wasn’t followed to the letter. “We were stationed in the base, as ordered. Aries Two and Three were patrolling the outlying areas of the base, and were several miles off when Commander Evans and I noticed a couple dozen drillers in the base, almost as if they were mining the base. We took out the drillers, and…”

The Admiral predictably interrupted. “What about the rest of the wing, were they signaled?”

Bryan sighed. “No, sir, they weren’t.” The Admiral then sighed himself and looked down in disbelief. “I recommended to Commander Evans that we should radio them, but he ordered an attack immediately.”

Still looking down, the Admiral shook his head. “Why would you go in and attack the enemy when you have no idea how many there are and what other forces they have with them?”

“All we saw were the drillers,” said Bryan. “We had them taken out very quickly with little ammunition and no damage.”

The Admiral looked up, revealing a grin for a moment. “That I don’t doubt. You two were the best pilots the CED had.”

“Afterwards, we signaled the rest of the wing. I climbed out of the base while Jared briefly investigated the area that was being drilled.” Bryan paused for a moment. “It was then I encountered the Black Pyro.”

“Go on,” inquired the Admiral.

“I ordered a surrender. The Black Pyro refused and fired on me. And then…” Bryan stumbled over the thought of the Black Shark that he saw take the life of his best friend.

The Admiral finished his statement. “And then Jared was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Bryan only nodded.

The Admiral offered, “You know Bryan, the CED does allow time off for traumatic experiences such as the loss of a friend in battle. I know that Jared meant a lot to you, and I don’t want to see you do something stupid out in the field just because your mind is clouded with what happened to him. If you feel you need a week, by all means take it.”

Another predictable offer from the Admiral. However, Bryan had already planned a response to this one. “Sir, I appreciate the generosity, but I will be okay. With all due respect, we are trained on how to handle situations like this.”

The Admiral nodded. “I understand. However, if you don’t want the time off, then I’m going to send you on a new mission this week. You’ll have your orders at 0800 tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir,” responded Bryan. “And thank you.”


That was the best thing Bryan had heard all day. He didn’t hesitate getting out of the chair and heading out of the office. Once he got out of the office, he paused briefly and let out a big sigh of relief before continuing on.

Jacobs Station was in high Earth orbit and served as the central station for the CED. It was a strange station to walk around in because it operated on a centripetal gravity system. As a result, it always seemed like you were walking slightly up in the hallways.

It didn’t take long for word to get out that Jared was killed in battle, and probably would take less time for everyone to find out that Bryan was succeeding Jared. News always traveled fast around the station, especially when someone had died. That could be good or bad, depending on the circumstances. In this case, though, Bryan knew that nearly everywhere he went, someone would be sorry about Jared, reminding him of what happened.

Bryan approached the sims, practically on the opposite side of the station from where he just was. He recognized Gerard running things behind the counter. As he approached the counter, Gerard recognized him. “Hey, Bry-man! How ya doin’, pal?”

Bryan walked up to the counter and shook Gerard’s hand. “I’ve been better. But I’ll be alright.”

Gerard was in his early twenties and had been manning the sims after hours ever since he lost his left leg in an accident where some equipment fell on him in a hangar bay. The CED kept him on after he received his prosthetic leg, and since he enjoyed being around pilots so much, they moved him into the role of operating the station’s sims. “That’s good to hear, man. I know things have been tough for ya the last couple of days.” Gerard smiled and said, “Hang in there!”

Bryan grinned and responded, “I will.”

“Now,” said Gerard, bursting with excitement, “we’ve got a treat for you today. This simulation is new. It’s got a bunch of interconnected rooms and hallways with a lot of overkill weapons. This map’s time to live is under twenty seconds, and people are loving it! I’ve never seen such excitement over a single simulation before.”

“I’m game,” responded Bryan.

Gerard turned around and started punching some data into a terminal. “Alright then, let me set up your AHT2, and…”

“SP today,” Bryan interrupted.

Gerard looked over his shoulder. “Are you sure about that? This isn’t exactly a Phoenix-friendly map.”

“I need the speed,” he replied. “Hook me up.”

Gerard turned and snickered. “Okay, whatever the man says! You’re ready to go, there’s two GL’s, a GY, and one old school AHT in there. You’ll be in sim 3. Good luck, man!”

“Thanks,” smiled Bryan as he headed toward the third sim. He entered the dark room and sat down as the door closed behind him. He began to feel the familiar adrenaline rush of battle, even if it was only a simulation. A moment after he sat down, the cockpit of a Phoenix-SP appeared in front of him. 25% faster than a Phoenix, the SP model was more efficient with its afterburners and could handle slightly more ammunition than the old Phoenix model. Bryan got comfortable, moving his hands onto the controls, ready for battle. “Go,” stated Bryan firmly.

The first thing Bryan noticed as the world faded in around him was a lot of brown. The colors and the texturing really stood out in Bryan’s mind as being superior to a lot of the maps that were being put into simulations today. Bryan realized he had spawned in the corner of a room, and was able to clearly make out the name “Skybox” on the far wall. One of the two Pyro-GL’s was flying on the far corner of the room and into a hallway along the top of the wall. Immediately, Bryan sprung into action, following the GL into the tunnel. It immediately turned to the right, and as Bryan followed, he found an energy center, the GL, and the Magnum-AHT. Bryan arrived just in time to see three purple blobs disintegrate the Pyro-GL’s hull. The simulator announced the kill to Bryan, saying “Lieutenant Anderson destroyed by Lieutenant J.G. Robertson.” Knowing he was probably next, Bryan began firing his lasers and some concussions at the Magnum. Too preoccupied with destroying the Pyro, the Magnum never saw it coming, and, after several hits, crashed into the wall, exploding on impact. A reassuring, “Lieutenant J.G. Robertson destroyed,” sounded in his simulator.

And a mere split second later, the world faded out to black. “Destroyed by Ensign Jacobs.”

“Dammit!” yelled Bryan.

“Ha ha, welcome to the insanity, man!” Bryan recognized the voice as being Lieutenant Robertson. “And Commander, eh? Congratulations!”

Bryan realized that when he got the point on Joseph Robertson, it announced to him Bryan’s name and updated rank. “Thanks,” replied Bryan. “But I’m certainly not used to lasting only ten seconds in here, if that.”

Then, a playful female giggle sounded through the simulators. Joseph went on, “Get used to it, Bryan. That there is Ensign Natalie Jacobs, and has been taking everyone out who so much as steps foot in here.”

Bryan grinned, “I’ll keep that in mind. Replay.” As if out of nowhere, a big screen showing an overhead slow motion replay of his last death appeared. He saw a Pyro-GY that watched him duck into the tunnel. The ship fired a single napalm rocket, hitting Bryan’s Phoenix on the wing, instantly disintegrating his ship. “I see, gotta watch her every move. Go.”

The world faded in again, this time looking down into a tunnel. Bryan followed the tunnel and was able to pick up a fusion cannon, four frag missiles, and four homing missiles. Bryan then noticed an opening in the ceiling of the tunnel, which took him into the room he was in when he first arrived. This time, he noticed the Pyro-GL fighting with a Pyro-GY in the main room. Thinking that this was going to be far too easy, he tossed two frag missiles off the far wall, catching the GY a little bit with the second one. The GY, too busy avoiding plasma from the other Pyro in the room, never noticed Bryan speed his SP, until the two ships collided in the middle of the room. Right as they collided, Bryan released a well-charged blast of fusion, sending the female pilot into darkness. The simulator announced, “Ensign Jacobs destroyed.”

“Awww,” sighed Natalie.

The simulator continued, “Ensign Jacobs, record for kill streak, 27. Ensign Jacobs, record for time to live, 7:38.”

The other three pilots began some moderate cheering as the announcement of Natalie’s death was completed. Joseph offered, “Thanks there, Bryan. She was really biting into us.”

“You’d enjoy that a bit too much, boys,” she replied playfully. “Go!”

By now, Bryan had noticed that this simulation was unlike the others. Killing was happening far more often than in most maps, and the weapons were unreal. After taking out the Pyro-GL that Natalie had been fighting, Bryan left the room and headed down the hallway underneath where it said “Skybox” on the wall. There, he picked up a mega missile and another set of frags. He turned the corner, and barely dodged a trifusion shot. Bryan looked further down the hall for a magnum, but nothing was in sight. Looking to pursue his prey, Bryan began to chord and pulse burn down the hallway. However, halfway down, he collided again with the Pyro-GL. It was Natalie that got off the first shot, however, with several hits of the microwave cannon distorting Bryan’s view. He instinctively fired a frag missile, only to find the world turning black moments later. “Ensign Jacobs destroyed. Commander Chambers killed himself.”

Bryan laughed out loud as he said, “We’ve got to stop meeting like this, Ensign.”

“Yes, sir,” replied Natalie in response. “I’ll make sure you’re on the other end of the hall when I kill you, how’s that sound?”

Bryan grinned to himself again as he said, “Sounds like you enjoy suicide missions. Go!”

“Go!” stated Natalie.

Bryan spawned in a new place this time, with an energy center to his left, and a plasma cannon right in front of him. Bryan picked up the cannon as the Magnum-AHT flew out of a tunnel to the right, super lasers blazing. Bryan dodged the energy beams, and applied a deadly dose of plasma to the tank-like ship. “Lieutenant J.G. Robertson destroyed.”

“God dammit, Bryan,” yelled Joseph, “how do you dodge like that? That was some point blank stuff, man!”

“I didn’t dodge it,” denied Bryan, “you just missed me.” Bryan maneuvered his ship to pick up the items left behind by Joseph’s Magnum, when he noticed a slow moving can-shaped object move towards it. “Oh shit!” The mortar exploded, sending Bryan into blackness once again.

“Destroyed by Ensign Jacobs.”

Natalie giggled again in approval.

Just then, Bryan heard Gerard’s voice come through the simulator. “Hey, Bry-man, sorry to interrupt, but Laura Evans is here to see you.”

Bryan’s heart sank. Another predictable event. He knew sooner or later he’d have to confront Jared’s wife. “I’ve gotta take off, everyone. Enjoy your game. And Ensign, I will certainly be back for your hide!”

“Anything you say, sir!” she half laughed and half shouted as the simulator rang out, “Lieutenant J.G. Robertson destroyed by Ensign Jacobs. Ensign Lin destroyed by Ensign Jacobs.”

Bryan commanded, “End sim.” The cockpit disappeared as the door to the simulator opened. He walked out, greeted Gerard good-bye, and began to return to his quarters.

He didn’t get to fly much, but it was rare for Bryan to get killed three times in such a short time span. He quickly attributed his quick deaths to both the lack of knowledge of the new map’s design, and what he was going through in dealing with Jared’s death. But now he had to deal with someone who was probably taking all of this harder than he was.

He noticed that Laura was already waiting for him outside of his quarters, and was visibly distraught and on the verge of tears. Bryan walked up to here, and offered weakly, “Hey.”

“Hey,” replied Laura just as weakly.

Bryan then motioned an offer for a hug, and Laura instantly accepted. At that moment, Bryan realized that they both had lost someone who meant a lot to each of them. After a moment or two, they released from the hug, and Bryan invited, “Come on in.” Bryan got out his passkey to his quarters from his pocket, put it up to the plate on the door, and let the door open. He then led Laura through the door into his quarters. He then pulled out a chair at a table for her to sit in. Once she sat down, Bryan sat down at another chair.

Almost instantly, tears began to run down Laura’s face. “I can’t believe this is happening, it’s like some sort of horrible nightmare.”

Bryan fought back tears of his own. “I know what you mean. Everyone here is in shock. It’s not everyday that we lose our best pilot… or our best friend.”

Laura got out a tissue she brought with her, drying away some of her tears. “They told me that you were able to get into his quarters on the station, so I could get some of his things.”

“Ah, yes,” responded Bryan as he got the passkey to Jared’s quarters from his pocket and handed it to her. “Do you know where they are?”

“Yes, I remember,” responded Laura softly.

An uneasy silence filled the room. Bryan didn’t know what to say to her to make her feel better, and it didn’t help that he was feeling the same things she was.

“Well, I should go…” stated Laura suddenly.

Bryan nodded. “If you need anything, you know how to reach me.”

“Yes,” she replied as she stood up. It almost seemed like she was racing out of his quarters. Without a good-bye, Laura left Bryan’s quarters to begin painfully collecting Jared’s things.

Bryan didn’t move. He was too drained by the events of the last few days. He realized that tomorrow he would be leading a group of pilots for the first time that has only been together for a week, and there would probably be a new pilot assigned to the wing as well. Even though it was early, Bryan knew he was going to have a rough day tomorrow, but decided to get some sleep instead.

But before he went to his bed, he went to his closet in the back corner of his quarters. In the closet was a small chest. With a key that he carried with him, he opened the chest. Inside revealed the glowing white sphere. Bryan had picked up the sphere from Jared’s ship’s remains. He had tried to get his ship to process the orb, but the ship didn’t recognize it as something that could be used to strengthen the ship. So he took the sphere back with him, and kept it, kind of like a souvenir of the experience.

Bryan stared into the glowing sphere for a long time. The light soothed his mind, and actually made him relax and forget about the past couple of days. Then, realizing how tired he was, closed the chest, returned it to the closet, and retired for the night.

As Bryan lay in his bed, he began to wonder what the origin of the sphere was. He decided that he would find out what the sphere was. He wondered if that’s what the drillers were looking for, and if he was in any danger for holding on to it. He wondered a lot of things as he drifted into unconsciousness for the night.


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Ronald M. Clifford

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like, you used to use a phone line to access the internet

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Are you ready to get Six'd Off?

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Ronald M. Clifford

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Ronald M. Clifford

@shanselman Speaking of Overload, here's something you may be interested in... recently, some community members released "Overload First Strike", a single player Overload campaign that is a complete remake of the original Descent First Strike campaign.

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Scott Hanselman 👸🏽🐝🌮

@PossiblyMax @deepthaw ya and there are new remakes of Descent like Overload that are enhanced and there’s even hardware that Vic Putz made to make the Space Orb look like a controller with NO drivers. Works on all operating systems

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