Primary Language: JavaScript
The website.



* Updated Necrolab URLs.
* Package updates.


* Fixed bug with blog comments.
* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Default location of Discord events to
* Allow up to 1 GB file uploads.
* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Temporarily disable WoW lookups.
* Package updates.


* Updates required for upgrades of MariaDB.
* Fixed bug with Archivo Narrow not showing in some browsers.
* Fixed bug with a properly-formatted Soundcloud track URL that should cause a 404 error instead causing a 500 error.
* Package updates.


* Removed Glimesh support.
* Package updates.


* Remove Twitter support.
* Package updates.


* Updates required for removal of Discord discriminator.
* Package updates.


* Remove fade transitions for the résumé when on iOS to prevent a crash with Safari.
* Make résumé more mobile-friendly.
* Don't allow music player tab to overlap text on the résumé.
* Add nostr.json verification.
* Update Steam games list to not use the API anymore since Steam discontinued that field in their API.
* Fix a display bug for a Steam game that has page data.
* Package updates.


* Added contacts admin page.
* Added the ability to disable Discord.
* Fix bugs related to latest MongoDb.
* Mastodon posts mirrored to Discord no longer do line wraps.
* Package updates.


* Sort contacts by title.
* Package updates.


* Fixed bug with links in Mastodon posts.
* Fixed bug with HTML in Google calendar event descriptions.
* Package updates.


* Fix for Mastodon showing HTML in Discord.
* Fix for Google Calendar deleting and recreating Discord events.
* Fix for GitHub releases and commits when there are no releases and commits available.
* Fix for Glimesh occasionally failing.
* Package updates.


* Add Discord scheduled events from the Google calendar for roncli Gaming.
* Minor bug fix with logging into Glimesh.
* Package updates.


* Bug fixes for Necrolab.
* Package updates.


* Replaced Twitter panel with combined Twitter/Mastodon social media panel.
* Replaced Toofz API calls with Necrolab API calls.
* NecroDancer records now show Synchrony with Amplified records only.
* Discord bot now posts Mastodon posts to the Discord server.
* Discord bot now posts Glimesh go live notifications to the Discord server.
* Dockerfiles now use specific versions instead of latest versions, image versions are now handled by dependabot.
* Fix Tweets to load more than once per application lifetime.
* Fix retweet display from the bot.
* Fix for résumé page on MacOS Safari.
* Fix for comments editor which broke single page application since v2.0.7.
* Package updates.


* Discord bot now posts Twitch go live notifications to the Discord server.
* Add exception handling to Twitter notifications.
* More updates for Discord.js v14 compatibility.
* Package updates.


* Package updates.


* Discord bot now posts tweets to the Discord server.
* Package updates.


* Add barebones Discord bot.


* Package updates.
* Update PhotoPrism's entry point location.


* Fix fonts on résumé page.
* Add links to résumé page.
* Package updates.


* Implement database backup.
* Package updates.


* Fixed a bug with deleting a redirect.
* Returned to using xivapi's library instead of a fork.
* Package updates.


* Various bug fixes found during go live.
* Updated favicon and other meta images.
* Added metadata for sites like Twitter and Facebook to read.
* Package updates.

v2.0.0 Beta 2

* Various bug fixes found during go live.
* Logging improvements for regular cache check.
* Package updates.

v2.0.0 Beta 1

This release is a complete rewrite of the website, and is a release candidate for version 2.0.0.

* No longer uses Rendr or Backbone. Single page application functionality is now custom-built.
* Microsoft SQL Server replaced with MongoDB.
* Designed to work within docker containers.
* Includes web server solution nginx.
* Includes SSL renewal solution certbot.
* Includes photo storage solution PhotoPrism.
* Logs errors to Application Insights.


This release sets up the website to work over SSL, removes references to Google Plus, and replaces the captcha system with one that requires less of a setup on Windows.

* Most URLs changed from http to https.
* Replace captchagen with svg-captcha.
* Removed references to Google Plus.
* Replaced Internet Explorer with Edge as a recommended browser.


This is a bug fix release.

* Upgrades to many packages to address security issues.
* Replaced battlenet-api with blizzhub to comply with upcoming Battle.Net API requirements.
* Fixed various GitHub issues.
* Removed Node.js domains.
* Fix bug with error labels not on their own line.
* Fix bug with missing blog data crashing the front page.
* Fix bug with improperly cached data not getting refetched.


This is a bug fix release.

* Upgrade node.js to version 10.0.0, and upgrade all packages to their current versions.
* Fix bug with dates in GitHub projects.
* Upgrade grunt-contrib-uglify to get gzipped size information on build.
* Fix bug with double clicking login.
* Fix bug with using wrong Steam server for CDN.
* Fix bug with style element showing in CSS previews.
* Fix ignored tags for the default controller.


This is a bug fix release.

* Fix bug with IE.
* Remove Twitch player.
* Add Diamond rank to DCL and remove DCL playlists.
* Fix bug with Steam headers not displaying.


This is a bug fix release.
- Updated DCL stats to show if a player is unranked as opposed to showing them in position 0.
- Upgraded file upload system for latest multer version.
- Updated DCL YouTube playlist to be configurable.
- Fixed bug with Facebook meta tags not HTML encoding.
- Fixed bug with certain files being unable to be downloaded.


This is a bug fix release.
- Removed League of Legends from the site. The API changed and is not useful for the type of stats I wish to display.
- Fixed issues with gaming APIs not loading that were preventing the home page from loading.


This is a bug fix release.
- Fixed the way that files are downloaded from the /files directory so that they may be downloaded from other pages.
- Added favicon.ico to the root for browsers that require it.


This is a bug fix release.
- Fixed some bugs with mobile.
- Fixed bugs with Steam games that have achievements, but I haven't achieved any yet.


This is the initial release of the website!
- Added Twitch to the front page - When I am live on, my Twitch feed will show up on the front page.
- Added a listing of RSS feeds to the front page.
- redirect service - URL shortener for my own use.
- jQuery Validation remote method - I removed my custom jQuery Validation method for remote validation and replaced it with the jQuery Validation remote method.
- Added an awesome roncli Productions logo loader between pages.
- Reduced number of instances where the font doesn't load right sometimes.
- Fixed bug with Twitter loading before the user login which resulted in logins from a cookie not always working.
- Moved allowed YouTube playlists into the database.
- Images can be no wider than 100% of the container it is in.
- Updated some models, moving them to collections to allow for caching.


This version implements the life section, which is essentially just a bunch of links to specific pages on the site. Included is an administration section.


This version implements the gaming section, which makes calls to Battle.Net, Riot Games, Steam, and the DCL. Also implemented is file uploading, and support for enumerating YouTube playlists. Included is an RSS feed for the gaming page and an administration section. Gaming pages also double as HTML pages, meaning that if you create a page with the same URL as a gaming page, that HTML will display on the page along with the rest of the page.


This version implements the coding section, which links to GitHub. Included are RSS feeds for the coding page and each project pages, and an administration section. Coding pages also double as HTML pages, meaning that if you create a page with the same URL as a coding page, that HTML will display on the page along with the rest of the page.


This version implements the music section, which links to SoundCloud. Included are comments, RSS feeds for the music and each individual tag, and an administration section. Music pages also double as HTML pages, meaning that if you create a page with the same URL as a music page, that HTML will display on the page along with the music.


This version adds comments to the bottom of pages, and adds an administration section to moderate them.


This version implements HTML pages. Included are page hierarchy with simple navigation, and an administration section.


This version implements the blog, which links to Blogger and Tumblr. Included are comments, RSS feeds for the blog and each individual category, and an administration section.


This version introduces the account page where you can change your email, password, or alias. This version is branched as the `base` branch, and will be kept updated as portions of the code pertaining to this branch are updated.


This version introduces the bare bones of the website, including the layout, Twitter feed, contacts, and hosted sites. Users can register, login, and request password reset authorizations.


Merge pull request #1290 from roncli/dependabot/docker/nginx/nginx-1.25.5-alpine
Bump nginx from 1.25.4-alpine to 1.25.5-alpine in /nginx
Merge pull request #1286 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.7
Bump @types/node from 20.12.6 to 20.12.7 in /logging
Merge pull request #1285 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.6
Bump @types/node from 20.12.5 to 20.12.6 in /logging
Merge pull request #1284 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.5
Bump @types/node from 20.12.4 to 20.12.5 in /logging
Merge pull request #1280 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-ronc-li/babel/core-7.24.4
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.3 to 7.24.4 in /node-ronc-li
Merge pull request #1278 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/dockerode-3.3.28
Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.26 to 3.3.28 in /logging
Merge pull request #1279 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.4
Bump @types/node from 20.12.3 to 20.12.4 in /logging
Merge pull request #1277 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.4
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.3 to 7.24.4 in /logging
Merge pull request #1276 from roncli/dependabot/docker/db/mongo-7.0.8
Bump mongo from 7.0.7 to 7.0.8 in /db
Merge pull request #1274 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.3
Bump @types/node from 20.12.2 to 20.12.3 in /logging
Merge pull request #1273 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.12.2
Bump @types/node from 20.11.30 to 20.12.2 in /logging
Merge pull request #1264 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-ronc-li/babel/core-7.24.3
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.1 to 7.24.3 in /node-ronc-li
Merge pull request #1263 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.30
Bump @types/node from 20.11.29 to 20.11.30 in /logging
Merge pull request #1262 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.3
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.1 to 7.24.3 in /logging
Merge pull request #1261 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-ronc-li/babel/core-7.24.1
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.0 to 7.24.1 in /node-ronc-li
Merge pull request #1260 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-ronc-li/babel/eslint-parser-7.24.1
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.23.10 to 7.24.1 in /node-ronc-li
Merge pull request #1259 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.1
Bump @babel/core from 7.24.0 to 7.24.1 in /logging
Merge pull request #1258 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.29
Bump @types/node from 20.11.28 to 20.11.29 in /logging
Merge pull request #1257 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/eslint-parser-7.24.1
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.23.10 to 7.24.1 in /logging
Merge pull request #1256 from roncli/dependabot/docker/db/mongo-7.0.7
Bump mongo from 7.0.6 to 7.0.7 in /db
Merge pull request #1255 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.28
Bump @types/node from 20.11.27 to 20.11.28 in /logging
Merge pull request #1254 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.27
Bump @types/node from 20.11.26 to 20.11.27 in /logging
Merge pull request #1252 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.26
Bump @types/node from 20.11.25 to 20.11.26 in /logging
Merge pull request #1250 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/dockerode-3.3.26
Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.25 to 3.3.26 in /logging
Merge pull request #1249 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/dockerode-3.3.25
Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.24 to 3.3.25 in /logging
Merge pull request #1248 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.25
Bump @types/node from 20.11.24 to 20.11.25 in /logging
Merge pull request #1247 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/applicationinsights-2.9.5
Bump applicationinsights from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5 in /logging
Merge pull request #1245 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.24
Bump @types/node from 20.11.23 to 20.11.24 in /logging
Merge pull request #1243 from roncli/dependabot/docker/db/mongo-7.0.6
Bump mongo from 7.0.4 to 7.0.6 in /db
Merge pull request #1242 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-ronc-li/express-4.18.3
Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.18.3 in /node-ronc-li
Merge pull request #1241 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.23
Bump @types/node from 20.11.21 to 20.11.23 in /logging
Merge pull request #1240 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-ronc-li/babel/core-7.24.0
Bump @babel/core from 7.23.9 to 7.24.0 in /node-ronc-li
Merge pull request #1239 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/core-7.24.0
Bump @babel/core from 7.23.9 to 7.24.0 in /logging
Merge pull request #1238 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.21
Bump @types/node from 20.11.20 to 20.11.21 in /logging
Merge pull request #1237 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.20
Bump @types/node from 20.11.19 to 20.11.20 in /logging
Merge pull request #1236 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/dockerode-3.3.24
Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.23 to 3.3.24 in /logging
Merge pull request #1234 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/applicationinsights-2.9.4
Bump applicationinsights from 2.9.3 to 2.9.4 in /logging
Merge pull request #1233 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/applicationinsights-2.9.3
Bump applicationinsights from 2.9.1 to 2.9.3 in /logging
Merge pull request #1232 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.19
Bump @types/node from 20.11.18 to 20.11.19 in /logging
Merge pull request #1228 from roncli/dependabot/docker/nginx/nginx-1.25.4-alpine
Bump nginx from 1.25.3-alpine to 1.25.4-alpine in /nginx
Merge pull request #1227 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.18
Bump @types/node from 20.11.17 to 20.11.18 in /logging
Merge pull request #1225 from roncli/dependabot/docker/mariadb/mariadb-11.2.3
Bump mariadb from 11.2.2 to 11.2.3 in /mariadb
Merge pull request #1223 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.17
Bump @types/node from 20.11.16 to 20.11.17 in /logging
Merge pull request #1219 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.16
Bump @types/node from 20.11.15 to 20.11.16 in /logging
Merge pull request #1218 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-roncli-com/nodemailer-6.9.9
Bump nodemailer from 6.9.8 to 6.9.9 in /node-roncli-com
Merge pull request #1217 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.15
Bump @types/node from 20.11.13 to 20.11.15 in /logging
Merge pull request #1216 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-ronc-li/babel/eslint-parser-7.23.10
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.23.3 to 7.23.10 in /node-ronc-li
Merge pull request #1215 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-roncli-com/babel/eslint-parser-7.23.10
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.23.9 to 7.23.10 in /node-roncli-com
Merge pull request #1214 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/babel/eslint-parser-7.23.10
Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.23.9 to 7.23.10 in /logging
Merge pull request #1213 from roncli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/logging/types/node-20.11.13
Bump @types/node from 20.11.10 to 20.11.13 in /logging
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Ronald M. Clifford

@solitha New rule: cat tax. For every pun you post or repost, you're now required to pay the tax of posting one cute cat video.

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Today was a special day. I scored 1,016,221 points in classic NES Tetris, the first time I broke the 999,999 maxout barrier.

With that maxout, I became the oldest person to get their first ever maxout at 46 years 319 days.

After I scored that, I learned that today would have been 7-time Tetris world champion Jonas Neubauer's 43rd birthday.

I am FILLED with incredible emotion tonight.

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Ronald M. Clifford

"I'm Sorry, What?!" The biggest bailout in the history of Descent II!

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Ronald M. Clifford

“BART anime merch" are three words that I would not have expected to go together, but here we are.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Does anyone else sing the chorus to "Cherish" by Kool & The Gang to themselves whenever they play or watch streams of Balatro? Or is that just me?

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Ronald M. Clifford

I'm fact that's what Lingo needs: a "phone" block. The clue is an incorrect autocorrected form of the answer. 🙃

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Ronald M. Clifford

It's like my phone knows I've been playing Lingo. I typed in "exited" and my phone was all:

⬜️ EXCITED ------

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Ronald M. Clifford

@arborelia Bag-les.

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Ronald M. Clifford

A comparison of the classic Tetris and Descent communities. Not a post I write lightly, either.

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Aptiz played #Pentis again. In the beginning you can see roncli asking in the chat for the right version. About an hour later, he broke the #PentisRankings record with 60K ! Congratulations roncli 🏆 🎉

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Ronald M. Clifford

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Yeah, it's season 11. But the OTL Season 6 highlight reel is up, this time Fireball has taken the reins! Check out this video jam packed full of kills, deaths, silliness, and Sirius puns.

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Over on , someone retweeted sympathy for the people being laid off today...

...and then said that Amazon Games was hiring. You know, the one that just had layoffs in NOVEMBER.

Honestly? Tech sucks right now.

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Seriously. Why is it called Sagittarius, A Star? Clearly, it's Sagittarius, A Black Hole. Silly astronomers.

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Cultural Historian: Dr. RGST
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Ronald M. Clifford

This eslint/stylistic breakup is going to give me a headache. Don't developers have something better to do than give other developers busywork?

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Bing is so bad. is being blocked in their search results, and Bing webmaster tools are absolutely useless, not telling me why it's being blocked.

Does anyone know of some way to get a human to look at this and see what's wrong with it?

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Olivia W'

it's not actually common for real hackers to use two keyboards at once; that's just a stereo type.

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Ronald M. Clifford

I got my wish. 🤒

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Ronald M. Clifford

Me and my wife, despite buying a house of nice size, always seem to get in each other's way, be it in the kitchen, on the stairs, it doesn't matter. She's all up in my two square feet.

I often joke that all I want for Christmas is my two square feet.

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Ronald M. Clifford

Update 2: The record that beat Blue Scuti stood for one day. Blue Scuti got it back.

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🌪 📡


Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Update: This record stood for 1 day.

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

I got the honor and privilege of calling the NES Tetris NTSC world record today while running Classic Tetris Wars on my Twitch channel for the very first time. It was thrilling. Congratulations to Blue Scuti for his 6,609,220 level 153 performance.

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Reply Boost Favorite

like, you used to use a phone line to access the internet

now the internet is accessible on your phone

nothing has changed actually

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Six Degrees of Sunday returns Sunday, January 7th, at Cya there!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Are you ready to get Six'd Off?

Six Degrees of Sunday, my 6DoF long play Twitch series, is getting revived for 2024. Plus, I will be producing Six'd Off, a companion YouTube series showcasing each game.

Check out the announcement for the game list and more!

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Ronald M. Clifford

So I started a fresh YouTube channel some time ago, and yesterday I released the first real video to it.

Check out highlights from Argus Industrial Moons' run to the OTL Season 10 Best of the Rest title!

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Ronald M. Clifford

I guess that qualifies as a "log"...

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

People at work are calling Kubernetes K8, and I hate it. It's not "Kubernete"!

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Ronald M. Clifford

Want a preview of what CTWC will be like next weekend from a gameplay perspective? CTL Season 22 finals starting now.

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Ronald M. Clifford

No airport hell this morning, but you know that lady that talks about security at literally every airport? I just realized, she sounds old AF.

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

If this security line posted signs "5 minutes from this point", "10 minutes...", etc., They'd have to post them every foot.

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

I'm sorry, what?

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Robin Ward
Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Did I miss Elon making another purchase?

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Konstantinos Dimopoulos

That's a lovely free bundle of books for people interested in getting into games programming:

#gamedev #book #free #programming

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

Use TypeScript they said. It'll be better they said.

Reply Boost Favorite
Ronald M. Clifford

If you know, you know.

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